
  • From Europe to Asia

    Successful distribution to Japan through native web service and our own unique channels.
    To advance into other countries is very difficult, but we create a powerful brand identity for your products using our local Staffs and localized services.

  • For a happy and productive life

    We hear your wish, we find your wish , we offer your wish to make you happy.
    The consumers wish is our command. When you’re happier, you’re healthier and you’re more productive. You’ll be more satisfied with your lives.
    Realizing this moment is a new opportunity to be who you want to be, and making the effort to seize it.

  • To solve problems

    Effective and qualitative cosmetics and pharmaceutical products from Europe are widely in demand in Japan to solve consumers issues.
    We help you to expand your market reach. We appreciate to introduce your unique products to Japan.

About us


  • XXLashes
  • Gynofit
  • Saalux
  • Saalio